Support | Ochatbot

Ochatbot – Get Started

Let’s go step-by-step through the initial setup of your Ochatbot. Depending on how you created your account, your path might look a little different.

Chatbot Selection Screenshot

For Non-eCommerce Accounts

After creating an account, you will be directed to the above screen and asked to choose a chatbot. Selecting Support/Conversational AI Chatbot or Ecommerce AI Chatbot will open up a default template in the visual bot builder where you can begin editing and building a chatbot immediately. Selecting LeadBot will bring you to another screen, where you will be able to build a LeadBot based on your industry. Click here to learn more about LeadBots.

For eCommerce Accounts

After installing the plugin or app, you will be directed to make a selection. Once installed, Ochatbot’s AI will automatically scan and ingest your site pages and product database. This allows the Generative AI to learn about products, services, policies, and more. 

Your Ochatbot will be ready to launch but we recommend testing it first. Be sure to check all of the settings such as design, eCommerce, variables, etc to make sure your Ochatbot reflects your brand accurately. Click the name of your Ochatbot or the gearbox icon to start editing in the Visual Bot Builder.

Visual Bot Builder

Visual Bot Builder

This is the Visual Bot Builder, where you will edit and build a chatbot. The existing template on the screen can be easily modified to suit your needs. To learn more about specific AI concepts, click here.

Above the builder in the navigation, you will be able to build additional tools, such as Popups, Lead Sliders, and Offer Tabs, as well as access the help center to help you build the best Ochatbot. You can also click the orange button to head to your dashboard.

screenshot of the ochatbot main dashboard

Main Dashboard

This displays your KPI’s and active/inactive tools.

Add Tool: Start creating your engagement tools!

Install Ometrics: This is your specific code. Make sure to place it in the <head> with a simple copy and paste. Learn more about Installing Ometrics Script.

Account usage: View your total unique monthly visitors and Ochatbot interactions for the current billing cycle.

Changing date range: Track your visitor data by changing the date range here. You can use the preset ranges or select your own custom range.

Unique Users: Displays how many different users were on your website during the selected date range.

Total Interactions: Tracks how many interactions your bot had with visitors. An interaction is counted when a user does something inside the bot such as typing in a word, phrase, or sentence or clicks a button (ex: user clicks on “Contact Us” button, clicks the “Send a Message” button, then types in their answers to the name, phone, and email field –> 1+1+3=5 interactions).

 Average Interactions: Calculates the average number of interactions during the selected date range (i.e. the total number of interactions divided by the total number of unique users).

Status: Easily make your chatbot active or inactive by selecting or deselecting the toggle.

Conversions: Website conversions occur when your visitor completes a desired action such as purchasing from your eCommerce store, creating an account, or signing up for your newsletter or whitepaper. Your conversion rate can be calculated by taking your total conversions and dividing by the number of visitors or “unique users”.

Revenue: If you connect your eCommerce product database, you can track the revenue brought in by Ochabot here.

Frequently Asked Questions

I created a Free account but now I see there is a Free Trial. How do I switch to a Free Trial?

Just contact support and we will activate your Free Trial!

We Are Here to Help

Here are the different ways you can contact support:

  • When logged in, click the "Contact Support" button. Your information will be autopopulated so just type in your question or comment.
  • To create a ticket when not logged in email: [email protected]
  • Call us during business hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. MST 800-700-8077.
  • If outside the US: send an email to [email protected] and we will set up a meeting over Zoom.