How Do Colors Affect Your Website Conversions?

Web Design and Its Use of Color Psychology There is a sub-field of psychology called color psychology, and it focuses on studying how colors affect human behavior. The premise here is that colors have certain emotions, attitudes, and values associated with them, and...

How Chatbots Add A Touch Of Humanity & Increase Your Online Sales

There’s a certain sense of irony in the notion of chatbots adding humanity, but when you really think about it, it makes complete sense. People want to connect, to have their voices heard and questions answered, and that’s what a chatbot can achieve— to great effect...

How to Get More Website Visitors Naturally

The more website visitors you can get to visit your website, the chances of your sales increasing go up substantially. To have more site visitors, initially it is necessary to build a corporate site with a design, work on it, which in the future will be able to...

Conversion Rate Optimization and Chatbots

In our 24/7 driven world, people expect information and help to be available on demand, especially with brand-focused companies that sell to consumers. Chatbots answer the call for this demand. Chatbots have become very useful in many ways. They help customers find...

Which Test Won? Comparing CTA Buttons

Which test won? In this A/B test, we compared one Call to Action (CTA) button with three CTA buttons using different targets for an online retailer. Variation B won with a 120% lift. The reason that Variation B won is because the user was presented with a more...

Which Test Won? Request vs Schedule vs Get a Demo

Which test won? This is an A/B test where we compared three different Call-To-Action buttons: “Request My Demo” vs “Schedule My Demo” vs “Get My Demo.” Variation B won over the control (variation A) with a 64% lift. The word...