Landing Page Optimization (Chapter 3)

The 2021 Conversion Rate Optimization Guide Chapter 3 <<Previous  | Table of Contents | Download the CRO Guide | Next >> Landing Page Optimization Landing pages are often one page that may have a second page for additional form fields and a thank...

Don’t Be Tricked With False Positives When A-B Testing

Often when running conversion rate optimization A/B testing (split testing) the tests are concluded too early even though the results are showing a statistically accurate result. To avoid this false positive a general understanding of the life of a test and what can...

What Colors Kill Conversion Rate Optimization?

Your potential customer is waiting for you to entice them. They’ve read your marketing material, they know what you you’re selling and they’ve thought long and hard about clicking the “buy” button you have on your sales page. You’ve done everything you could do, and...

What Conversion Experts Test First For Quick Results

Before you run off with this data, remember your first step is to build a baseline to measure against. There are a number of tools to do this, from quantitative tests such as form metrics, funnel metrics and heat maps to qualitative testing such as popup surveys and...

Which Has Higher Form Conversions, Text or Steps 1,2,3?

22% More Conversions  Which has higher form conversions, (A) a short sentence enticing the user to fill out the form or (B) a 1,2,3 step process instructing the user of the process? You guessed it  the 1,2,3 step process. In an A/B test using 1,2,3 type instructions...