What is CRO?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a systematic approach to improving the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a form. It involves analyzing user behavior, identifying barriers to conversion, testing different variations to statistically determine the best solution,  and implementing strategic changes to enhance the overall user experience and drive higher conversion rates.

Why is CRO Important for E-Commerce?

For e-commerce websites, CRO plays a vital role in maximizing revenue and achieving business goals. By focusing on optimizing the conversion funnel, e-commerce businesses can increase their sales, AOV, and subscription rates, improve customer satisfaction, and boost their return on investment. Through effective CRO strategies, online stores can refine their user interface, product presentation, and purchasing process to create a seamless and persuasive experience for their visitors.

If your e-commerce site’s overall conversion rate is less than 2% then your site needs conversion optimization. A good e-commerce site has a conversion rate of 3% to 7% depending on the industry and the quality of traffic.  Determining where to start can be difficult,  we’ve gathered 9 of the best CRO test ideas to get you started.

Test 1: A/B Testing Product Descriptions

A/B testing is a technique where two or more variations of a webpage or element are shown to users at random, and their performance is compared to determine which version produces better results. In the context of e-commerce product descriptions, A/B testing allows you to compare different variations of your product descriptions to identify which ones resonate most effectively with your target audience.

Product descriptions play a crucial role in influencing purchase decisions. By optimizing your product descriptions, you can enhance the persuasive power of your content, provide valuable information, and address potential customer concerns. Well-crafted descriptions can highlight unique selling points, evoke emotions, and create a sense of urgency, ultimately driving more conversions.

When conducting A/B tests on product descriptions, some elements to consider testing include the wording and tone of the descriptions, formatting styles (e.g., bullet points, paragraphs), the length of the content, the use of storytelling or customer testimonials, and the inclusion of key product features or benefits. 

For example, let’s say you have an online store selling fashion accessories, and you want to optimize the product descriptions for a specific product line of sustainably-crafted handbags. In one variation (Version A), you might use concise, bullet-pointed descriptions that focus on key features and specifications for consumers who are more focused on the nitty-gritty. In another variation (Version B), you might experiment with longer, narrative-style descriptions that tell a story about the creation or background of the product to evoke emotions in potential customers who want to feel like their purchase is an act of goodness. 

Test 2: Call-to-Action Button Optimization

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons are critical elements in guiding users toward the desired action on your e-commerce website. They serve as clear prompts that encourage visitors to make a purchase or take another intended action. Optimizing CTA buttons can have a significant impact on conversion rates, as small changes in design, color, size, and placement can lead to noticeable improvements in click-through rates and overall conversions.

Experiment with various button designs, such as flat buttons, bordered buttons, or buttons with icons. Test different text labels as well and look up the psychology of fonts. Test different colors to see which ones elicit the strongest response from your audience. Additionally, try different button sizes and placements on your web pages to determine the most effective combination that encourages users to take action. The goal is to create visually appealing and attention-grabbing CTAs that stand out and entice users to click.

Through various testing, we have found that buttons with high contrast work best. Also, be careful with offering too many options such as Add to Cart and Buy Now. If done incorrectly, it can confuse the shopper and cause them not to purchase.

Test 4: Enhancing Product Images

When it comes to e-commerce, visuals are paramount. High-quality product images have a significant influence on user engagement and ultimately drive conversions. Compelling product images can captivate potential customers, showcase the details and features of the product, and instill confidence in their purchase decision. By enhancing the quality of your product images, you can create a more immersive and visually appealing experience for your visitors, leading to increased trust, higher engagement, and ultimately, more conversions.

Experiment with different image formats, such as high-resolution images, 360-degree views, or even interactive image sliders. Test various angles and perspectives to highlight the product’s unique selling points. Using the images for sizing and other specifications can also work well. Additionally, offer zoom options and alternate views to allow customers to examine the product in detail. 

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Test 5: Implementing Social Proof Elements


Social proof, a powerful psychological phenomenon, influences purchase decisions by leveraging the behavior and experiences of others. Social proof can come in the form of customer reviews, ratings, testimonials, and trust badges, all of which contribute to enhancing the credibility and reputation of your brand.

Test different formats for displaying customer reviews, such as star ratings, written testimonials, or video testimonials. Experiment with the placement and prominence of social proof elements on your product pages and checkout process. Additionally, test the impact of trust badges, such as security seals or industry certifications, on customer trust and conversions. 

Test 6: Personalization and Dynamic Content

Personalization is a powerful strategy for enhancing the user experience and driving conversions. Personalization can involve displaying personalized product recommendations, customizing messaging based on user segments, and even offering dynamic pricing based on user behavior or purchase history.

Test different algorithms and approaches for generating personalized product recommendations based on browsing history or purchase patterns. Experiment with tailored messaging, such as personalized greetings or dynamic content that adapts to user preferences. Additionally, test the impact of dynamic pricing, where prices are adjusted based on factors like demand or customer loyalty. 

Tools, such as Product Finders that guide the shopper to find the best product, work very well when implemented correctly. These can be embedded on a page and or in an AI Chatbot, like Ochatbot.  

Test 7: Optimizing Mobile Experience

With the rise in mobile usage being over 70% for some e-commerce sites, optimizing the mobile experience has become crucial for e-commerce success. By ensuring that your website is responsive, fast-loading, and offers a seamless mobile navigation experience, you can capture the attention of mobile users and facilitate their path to purchase.

Test the responsiveness of your website across different mobile devices and screen sizes to ensure a consistent and visually appealing experience. Experiment with different techniques to improve page load speed, such as image compression and browser caching. Additionally, simplify navigation on mobile devices by optimizing menu structures, implementing intuitive search functionalities, and minimizing the number of steps required to complete a purchase. 

Test 8: Implementing Exit-Intent Pop-ups and AI Chatbots

Exit-intent pop-ups are a powerful tool for reducing cart abandonment and capturing potential customers who are about to leave your website. By detecting when a user is about to navigate away, exit-intent technology allows you to display targeted pop-ups that offer incentives or address concerns, enticing users to stay and complete their purchase. This strategy can help recover potentially lost sales and improve overall conversion rates.

Experiment with different designs that are visually appealing, attention-grabbing, and aligned with your brand identity. Test various offers, such as discounts, free shipping, or exclusive promotions, to entice users to reconsider their decision to leave. Additionally, experiment with different messaging approaches, using persuasive copy and clear calls to action.

AI Chatbots, like Ochatbot, are designed to engage the shopper during their shopping journey. These chatbots can recommend and upsell products, and assist in checkout. During testing, experiment with adding a chatbot to pages you’ve experienced low engagement. Ochatbot can be triggered to pop-up in critical stages like the checkout page and offer help.

Test 9: Streamlining Search Functionality

A streamlined and efficient search functionality is essential for helping users find the products they are looking for quickly. A user-friendly search function that delivers accurate and relevant results can significantly improve the overall user experience and simplify the path to purchase.

Experiment with different filters and sorting options to allow users to refine their search results based on specific criteria. Implement autocomplete and suggestions to assist users in finding products more efficiently. 

Product Finders and AI Chatbots can also provide very intelligent search functionality.


To drive higher conversions and improve the performance of your e-commerce website, it is crucial to prioritize CRO and continually test and optimize various elements. By implementing these top 9 CRO tests and analyzing the results, you can uncover valuable insights, enhance the user experience, and achieve better conversion rates. Remember, CRO is an ongoing process, so embrace a culture of testing and optimization to continually refine your e-commerce strategies for optimal results.

Ometrics has been providing conversion rate optimization testing for decades and has created tools such as Ochatbot to increase e-commerce sales and improve the checkout experience.

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Greg Ahern
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